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The Jewish community united in mourning Tuesday, upon the passing of Rabbi David B. Hollander. Rabbi Hollander, who at his death was the leader of the Hebrew Alliance in Brighton ...
A torrent of rain sent the thousands attending Staten Island fest for Russian speakers scurrying for cover, but not Chabad rabbinical student Aharon Teleshevsky and Mark Tokar, 16. Teleshevsky had ...
FREE Publishing House, the world's first publisher of authentic Judaic literature in modern Russian, has collaborated with Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchim in Germany to re-publish its famous Mezuzah Guide in Russian, with ...
Seventy years of oppression and indoctrination can wipe out a lot of memories. For some kids of parents who left the former Soviet Union for America, even words like "Jewish" ...
Brooklyn, NY—October 16th marked the 28th yahrzeit of Rabbi Dovid Okunov, who was brutally gunned down at the age of 68 on his way to the morning shacharit service on ...
This week, the F.R.E.E. Publishing House, the publishing arm of Friends of Refugees of Eastern Europe, in a cooperative effort between the Lechaim Publishing House (Moscow) and the SHAMIR Publishing ...
Monday morning, at a shul in Mill Basin, Brooklyn, a Russian Jewish boy was called to the Torah in honor of becoming a Bar-Mitzvah. Alex Tkach, still raw from his ...
For the second time in a decade, 72-year-old Misha Gontcharov started a new life. At age 70, he won an immigration lottery, said goodbye to his home in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, ...
Lubavitcher chassidim and many other good people are mourning the passing last week of "Bubbe" Maryasha Garelik who died at the age of 106, Baruch Dayan HaEmet. Her remarkable long ...
Downtrodden by betrayal and reversals of fortune, Alex Winner never imagined a 2000-year-old Jewish book would bolster his spirits. Two years ago, a concerned friend lugged Winner to Lubavitch World ...
This Chanukah FREE officers, volunteers and staff touched the hearts and souls of tens of thousands of Russian Jews through its annual Chanukah Campaign. As an integral part of FREE’s ...

BROOKLYN, NY — Thursday, December 29, 2006 his past Sunday concluded a week long overnight camping experience that will never be forgotten. The 8-day winter camp, located in the heart ...

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