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Release Time Winter Camp Makes A Difference

Read this article on World Jewish News

Just a few short weeks ago Kingston, NY was the site of a life-altering, joyous gathering.  Release Time – a project of NCFJE (National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education) gave 25 public school children the chance to spend a fun-filled week learning about their Jewish Heritage. The NCFJE’s Released Time Program, run by Rabbi Shazak Zirkind, reaches out to lost Jewish youngsters and exposes them to the beauty and truth of their heritage and religion.  Each day of the exciting and energizing week of Release Time winter camp, started with davening and learning, followed by a day-trip to somewhere special.

The trips were the perfect opportunity for the children to bond with their devoted counselors as well as experience some of the exciting things to do all around Kingston.  After spending a full day in Ulster County, the winter camp participants enjoyed an evening program of story and song. The children feasted on three delicious meals each day which were prepared by Rebbetzin Leah Hecht. “It is extremely rewarding knowing that the week of fun a public school child has in Release Time camp can turn out to be an inspiration for a lifetime,” said Rabbi Zirkind, Release Time director.  This project, a joint venture of Cong. Agudas Achim/Chabad of Ulster County, NCFJE, F.R.E.E. (Friends of Refugees of Eastern Europe), was a big success. Rabbi Yitzchok Hecht, spiritual leader of Cong. Agudas Achim, and host to the camp said “It was very inspirational to see children so interested and involved in learning about their heritage.” For more information about our program or to help us reach out and bring public school children closer to their heritage, contact Rabbi Shea Hecht 718-735-0200.

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