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Gala Bar Mitzvah Ceremony

One of FREE’s Gala Bar Mitzvah ceremonies at Camp FREE-Gan Israel, located in Kiryat Gan Israel, Parksville, NY.

Special delegation of honorary guests included Rabbis (front row from L. to R.): Gorowitz זצ”ל, Yeshoshua Korf זצ”ל, Zalmen Azimov זצ”ל, Abba Pliskin זצ”ל, Asher Sosonkin זצ”ל, Dovid Okunov ד”הי”זצ”ל .

Staff (standing) are Rabbi Zalman Shagalov זצ”ל, member of FREE’s Honorary Committee; Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Volovik זצ”ל, member of FREE’s Honorary Committee.

Rabbis: Elazar Gorelick, Director of FREE in Melbourne; Mayer Okunov, Chairman of FREE; Mendel Okunov, Principle of FREE’s High School; Moshe Chaim Levin, Director of Chabad of Kensington; Shlomo Galperin, teacher at FREE’s high-school.

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