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Агада опубликована в 21-м издании и переработана

The new Haggadah Shel Pesach with Russian translation is at the FREE office. The revised edition was enhanced in the following ways. The entire volume, both Hebrew and Russian, was reset in a clear, crisp typeface.

BROOKLYN, NY — Wednesday, March 01, 2006
by Ray Kestenbaum

The new Haggadah Shel Pesach with Russian translation is at the FREE office. The revised edition was enhanced in the following ways:

The entire volume, both Hebrew and Russian, was reset in a clear, crisp typeface. The Russian translation, while it is based on the original edition, has been amended to read more smoothly. Detailed instructions have been added for Haggadah users to follow as a guide to practice, giving the origin of the customs at every point in the Seder.

A highly interesting, comprehensive introduction has been added to explain the background of the Passover holiday, its history and laws. Included is now a letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, who felt deeply for Russian-speaking Jews. The Rebbe accomplished much on their behalf. The Haggadah gives a practical lesson that explains the holiday’s relevance to modern times.

The first edition of this Haggadah, put out in 1974, was a ground breaker and cause for celebration. Says Rabbi Mayer Okunov, Chairman of FREE, “It was the first-ever translation of a Jewish work to be published in the modern Russian language. It was also the first publication of the FREE Publishing House.” The latter is now an established publishing house that puts out books and booklets of authentic Jewish texts and literature in modern Russian.

Reviewed by the Lubavitcher Rebbe 30 years ago, he wrote “It makes a good impression, and surely it will be publicized befittingly.”

Over two million copies of the FREE Haggadah have since been printed and distributed throughout North America, Israel, the republics of the former Soviet Union, Europe and Australia. The Haggadah became so popular that the Jewish Agency for Israel has contacted FREE to get its permission to reprint it and distributed it in large numbers among Russian-speaking Jews in Israel and throughout Eastern Europe.

“The Rebbe’s blessing has no doubt been realized beyond all expectation,” reflected Rabbi Yosef Y. Okunov, Director of the FREE Publishing House.

Click here to view a PDF of the Haggadah Shel Pesach
This Book is available online at FREE Publishing House Bookstore.


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