Программы и услуги Bar Mitzvah Program
Переход в мужское состояние — это мощный опыт для детей Израиля. На Бар-мицве еврейский мужчина принимает мантию Торы и получает святые привилегии и глубокие обязанности взрослого человека по еврейскому закону.
With the initial wrapping of tefillin, a Bar Mitzvah binds himself to the ancient covenant between G-d and the Jewish people. Being called up to the Torah for his first Aliya, he literally rises up with the Torah and becomes a full-fledged member of the Congregation.
It is customary to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah with a joyous feast and family celebration. In order to make these important moments available to Russian Jewish immigrants of all ages, FREE sponsors the purchase of tefillin and arranges a traditional Bar Mitzvah Ceremony.
In addition, FREE offers classes and individual tutoring to help prepare for this auspicious time. The classes provide Hebrew skills and instruction on davenig (Prayer) from a traditional Siddur (Prayer Book), and how to properly perform the mitzvah of tefillin. In addition, the classes teach Jewish history and tradition, imparting pride, awareness, and a sense of responsibility toward the Jewish Nation. The learning process and the ceremony combine to leave a profound impact on the Bar Mitzvah boy, for the rest of his life.
In addition to the year-round Bar Mitzvah Program, during the summer, Camp FREE holds an annual Bar Mitzvah Ceremony for all boys who reach thirteen years of age. Counselors give campers special Bar Mitzvah lessons preparing the boys for their Aliya to the Torah.
718-467-0860 Ext. 118
Конгрегация друзей беженцев Восточной Европы (FREE) была основана в 1969 году Любавичским Ребе, раввином Менахемом М. Шнеерсоном.
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