Программы и услуги Образование
My words which I have put in your mouth shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your children, nor from the mouth of your children’s children..."
These words of the prophet capture one of the most fundamental and important elements of Judaism, education. Countless passages of the Torah, Talmud, ethical teachings of the Sages, ceremonies, and observances make it clear that Education and Judaism are completely intertwined.
For the past 70 years, this essential education has been prohibited to Jews under the oppressive regimes of the former Soviet Union. To remedy this dire situation, FREE offers a number of educational services for Russian Jewish children, youth, and adults. The following is a brief accounting of FREE’s educational programs which are designed to strengthen Jewish identity and empower a Jewish tomorrow:
Based on the age-old Jewish teaching that the best way to educate Jewish children is to immerse them in a wholesome Jewish environment from the beginning. FREE operates the “Mazel Day Care Center,” a full-day early childhood care center that offers a warm and enriching environment, comprehensive educational programming, and kosher food for children ages 1.5 through 6 years old.
In 1969, FREE founded the first Jewish High School for Russian immigrants in the United Stats. This feat was followed in 1974 with the opening of the first Jewish Elementary School for Russian immigrants. Both schools have seen over 7,500 students pass through their halls, helping to grow countless Jewish professionals in every discipline.
FREE’s After School Program known as the “Jewish Kids’ Zone”, allows Jewish public school children aged 6-13 time to catch up on homework, absorb classes on Judaism, and participate in games and activities with their peers.
Стремясь исправить тот факт, что многим российским евреям было отказано в доступе к богатству еврейского образования, FREE предлагает программы образования для взрослых, которые в основном состоят из лекций и семинаров, направленных на формирование еврейской идентичности и осведомленности в сообществе русских иммигрантов.
(718) 467-0860
(718) 467-2146
Конгрегация друзей беженцев Восточной Европы (FREE) была основана в 1969 году Любавичским Ребе, раввином Менахемом М. Шнеерсоном.
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