Исторические фотографии
Historic Photo section provides telling images that capture important “firsts” in the history of Friends of Refugees of Eastern Europe.
Sunday, June 18, 2000. Russian Jews celebrated the arrival of a 180-year-old Torah Scroll from St. Petersburg, Russia. To the largest Russian synagogue in the United States – The FREE ...
Sunday, March 7, 2004, FREE Alumni Association held its first Grand Alumni Reunion, celebrating FREE’s 35th anniversary, at the Lubavitcher Yeshiva on Ocean Parkway.Many prominent guest and alumni turned out ...
Конгрегация друзей беженцев Восточной Европы (FREE) была основана в 1969 году Любавичским Ребе, раввином Менахемом М. Шнеерсоном.
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