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28-я годовщина: убийство раввина Довида Окунова привело к созданию ешивы FREE Охель Довид

Brooklyn, NY—October 16th marked the 28th yahrzeit of Rabbi Dovid Okunov, who was brutally gunned down at the age of 68 on his way to the morning shacharit service on Montgomery Street. On Thursday, October 25, l979 (Daled Cheshvan) at 7 a.m., Reb Dovid, as he was affectionately known, was shot in the head with one bullet. The Jews were of shock when the murder story appeared in the New York Times.

Рэй Кестенбаум

Brooklyn, NY—October 16th marked the 28th yahrzeit of Rabbi Dovid Okunov, who was brutally gunned down at the age of 68 on his way to the morning шахарит служба на Монтгомери-стрит. В четверг, 25 октября 1979 года (Далед Хешван) в 7 утра Реб Довид, как его ласково называли, был застрелен в голову одной пулей. Всеми любимый учитель Торы и общественный деятель, Реб Довид погиб на месте. Вся община Любавич и евреи Нью-Йорка были в состоянии шока, когда история об убийстве появилась в New York Times и Daily News.

Позднее в тот же день на его похоронах присутствовало более 3000 любавичских хасидов, и он был похоронен на старом кладбище Монтефиоре в Квинсе, недалеко от места упокоения Шестого Любавичского Ребе.

The then New York State Governor Hugh Carey declared that all New Yorkers were “horrified” by Rabbi Okunov’s murder. He said, “It is particularly tragic that a man who came here (from the Soviet Union) to practice his religion should be so wantonly and senselessly cut down. We can only hope,” said Carey, “that the memory of his life, of his struggle for freedom, justice and mercy, will be cherished by every New Yorker.”

Days after the killing, an African-American teenager, Caroll Miller of Crown Heights, was arrested and jailed. Police classified the murder motive as a robbery and not as a racist incidence. He was tried and sentenced to 22 years on charges of pre-meditated murder.

“Reb Dovid did not die alone or without a rich legacy,” said a mourner. “He left a remarkable family of асканим, активисты идишкайта. У него была благородная история как пожизненного борца за иудаизм в Советском Союзе во времена и местах, когда практика идишкайта была рискованной, даже смертельно опасной».

  На этом фарбренгене Ребе сломался и заплакал, он знал Реба Довида в России с 1926 года, когда Реб Довид был студентом, а Ребе собирался стать зятем 6-го Любавичского Ребе. Сотни хасидов, видя Ребе в слезах, также плакали от бессмысленной потери такой любимой хасидской фигуры.  

At a special Motzai Shabbat farbrengen, during the Shiva, the Lubavitcher Rebbe spoke of the horrifying loss of Reb Dovid’s life. “He was a man who sacrificed his life in Russia. He succeeded in escaping and coming to this free land only to be murdered on his way to do a mitzvah.”

At that farbrengen, the Rebbe broke down and cried—he had known Reb Dovid in Russia since 1926 when Reb Dovid was a student and the Rebbe was about to become the son-in-law of the 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn. Hundreds of chassidim, seeing the Rebbe in tears, also cried at the senseless loss of such a beloved chassidic figure.

But the Rebbe composed himself and announced that a yeshiva would be built “over his grave,” specifically a Jewish day school dedicated to serving the needs of boys from the Soviet Union. The Rebbe suggested that the Torah institution’s in his memory, be called Ohel Dovid in tribute Rabbi Dovid Okunov, who, at the time of his murder, was working to help Jews who were trapped behind the Iron Curtain.

Ohel Dovid, located in Lubavitch’s main seminary, Tomchei Temimim, on Ocean Parkway, has, since its founding in 1979, educated boys of FSU parentage in both Torah studies and a range of secular subjects. Both an elementary and high school, Ohel Dovid, under the auspices of Фдрузья Рбеженцы из Эна корме Эurope (F.R.E.E.), is fully accredited by New York State and the Board of Regents. The school has seen  thousands of Russian-American students pass through its portals to become closer to Judasim and enter some of the best colleges on the East Coast. Its alumni range professionally from doctors, lawyers and engineers to business people and even механхим, учителя еврейских дневных школ.

F.R.E.E.’s Mazel Day School, its Early Childhood Center located at 2901 Brighton 6th Street in Brighton Beach, and its Elmentery School located at 60 West End Avenue, in Manhaten Beach, is a continuation of Ohel Dovid, in tribute to Reb Dovid.

Модель бойца Хабада

The story of Dovid Okunov is the story of a Lubavitch hero who embodied some of basic elements of what has made the movement tick and propelled it to grow. Born in 1911 in the Ukraine during the primacy of the 5th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn, young Dovid from childhood on displayed an irrepressible devotion and love of Yiddishkeit. 

He grew up in times of repression and need. When the Socialist revolution broke out, it was near impossible to live as a practicing Jew. His parents, Reb Ephraim и Mrs. Esther Okunov, hired a home меламед чтобы начать его молитву, Танах и Мишну.

  В 1926 году, когда он изучал сложный отрывок из трактата Баба Меция со своим партнером по учебе, в бейс-мидраш вошел молодой человек с поразительной внешностью и начал просвещать их о сложности предмета. Студенты были очень довольны. Посетителем оказался раввин Менахем-Мендл Шнеерсон, будущий зять и преемник 6-го Любавичского Ребе.  

В 13 лет, после бар-мицвы, он настоял на обучении в подпольной ешиве «Томхей Темимим» в Кременчуге (Украина), которую организовал предыдущий Ребе.

Dovid’s parents objected; times were dangerous. So Dovid mounted a hunger strike for two days and his parents relented. The yeshiva, running counter to everything the new Communist regime stood for, taught him Talmud, halacha, Jewish history and bolstered his readiness to show a месират нефеш, самопожертвование ради иудаизма.

Довид был не только преданным учеником Торы, но и выходил обучать Торе других в импровизированных классах и подпольно. хадарим. Он стал талмид хохом, a меламед and a staunch Lubavitch chossid.

В 1926 году, изучая трудный отрывок из трактата Баба Меция со своим чавруса (study partner), Rabbi Nochum Labkovsky, a striking-looking young man walked into the beis midrash of Kremenchuk and began to enlighten them on the difficulty of the subject. The students were very gratified. The visitor was Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the soon-to-be son-in-law of the 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe and 24 years later the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Годы спустя, в 1964 году, Ребе вернул письмо Ребу Довиду, в котором он подписался как М. Зейде. Ребе сделал это, чтобы не подвергать опасности Реба Довида. Ребе Довид обращался к Ребе как к «Зейде», потому что КГБ, коммунистическая тайная полиция, знала о раввине Шнеерсоне в Америке. Любая связь с религией была строго запрещена, а перехват и цензура почты были обычным делом. В своем письме Ребе намекал на то, что Реб Довид покинул Россию. Он написал ему по-русски:

«Моему дорогому внуку Давиду,


Я был очень рад получить от тебя привет. Я также был очень рад узнать, что ты получил «приглашение» жить вместе со своими родственниками, и я желаю тебе большого счастья. Пусть Хашем Исборах дарует, чтобы все твои желания были исполнены без всяких трудностей в самой полной мере. И пусть мы все вместе встанем к Хагиму.

С наилучшими пожеланиями всем вам в Новом году,

М. Зейде»

По иронии судьбы, Реб Довид и Ребе не сильно отличались по возрасту, но Ребе питал невероятную любовь к своим хасидам как к брату, отцу и деду, и эта любовь безоговорочно отвечала ему взаимностью как братьям, детям и внукам.

Окуновы были выселены и вынуждены были переезжать несколько раз из-за коммунистического запрета на религию. Они выбрали азиатские города, такие как Ташкент, а позже Самарканд, в обоих из которых были небольшие еврейские, даже любавичские общины. Коммунистические чиновники в Азии были более снисходительны к населению, чем их коллеги в европейских городах. Однако КГБ узнал, что реб Довид был последователем раввина Шнеерсона в Америке, и это считалось веской причиной для ареста, суда и заключения в Сибири.

The Soviet secret police came to Tashkent in 1947 to arrest Reb Dovid. They knocked on his door, but he was not home at the time. Rabbi Zeev-Volf Sirota, a concerned neighbor, and friend who noticed that the KGB was after him, went to the city to find Reb Dovid. Finding him at work, they notified him that the KGB was looking for him. Reb Dovid took no chances and sent a message to his wife through Rabbi Sirota to notify her that he would not be coming home and that he was taking the next train to Ukraine to visit his parents. Reb Dovid left immediately and his wife joined him shortly afterwards. After a few days of visiting his home, the KGB gave up their search for the duration.

Family life, however, did flourish among chassidim in the Soviet Union under all conditions. Reb Dovid married Bassia Rivkah Zubarovsky from the chassidic town of Nevel and they had four children: Meir, Hershel, Mendel и Ida. But Mrs. Okunov passed away in 1965, one year after Reb Dovid heard from the Rebbe and three years before he immigrated with his children to Israel.

Soon after his arrival to New York in 1967, the Rebbe asked Reb Dovid to assist the Ezras Achim organization, to help FSU Jews still locked up in the Soviet Union.

The Rebbe had a premonition that the Communist empire wouldn’t last much longer and he was right. Together with Reb Dovid’s sons, the Rebbe founded F.R.E.E. as an organization to help arriving refugees from Eastern Europe with their material, educational and spiritual needs. The Rebbe’s vision was prophetic and F.R.E.E. has since stood the test of time as America’s central organization serving Russian refugees and later, after the Soviet Union’s downfall, Russian immigrants. Tens of thousands of Russian Jewish refugees and immigrants have found a new freedom here and with the assistance of the F.R.E.E. organization they got settled and found employment, a Jewish identity and an education.

Reb Dovid lies not far from the Rebbe at the Old Montefiore Cemetery. The FSU Jewish religious affairs in America were assumed by Reb Dovid’s children and grandchildren working to spread love and Yiddishkeit in a growing community.


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